
Consisting of two videos, a recording of 7 different tuning forks layered into one composition is transmitted to an FM radio, amplified tuning forks that are a half step apart from each other (known as dissonance) and two framed pieces that are a blind embossed map of the journey that lead to this work in landscape. One video shows a figure repeatedly striking two tuning forks on a table in slow motion. The other video has images of landscapes slowing fading in and out of view.

Under certain conditions, bringing a ringing tuning fork nearby can make a silent tuning fork begin to ring; a phenomenon known as sympathetic resonance. Illustrating the materiality of sound in space, Sympathetic Dissonance considers how the idea and reality of encountering a landscape can be incongruous. The installation relies on the complex experience of a place and space to create a contrast between the idea of a place, an imaginary landscape, and the sensational experience of the material world. The distance sound travels can define a space in ways that walls or lines on a map cannot. Political boundaries have evolved as lines often divorced from the everyday experience of a place. In contrast to a binary expression separating here from there, an ancient European tradition defines the boundary of a town with a church bell. Any person hearing the bell is inside the town. By using sound to define a boundary, the perceptual experience of a place is incorporated in its existence. One could even be in two places at once. Sympathetic Dissonance complicates the understanding of how we measure space and define a place.